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Direct Response Advertising for Drug Treatment Centers

Radio and TV Direct Response 'DR' Advertising for Drug Treatment Centers

Since 2014, Prosperity has excelled in advertising Addiction Treatment Centers on Radio and Television. Prior to this, our co-founder Bruce Berman spent a decade in Direct Response Marketing, promoting products through Radio, TV, the Internet, and Direct Mail. Bruce has authored and produced numerous national radio and television ad campaigns. With a track record of airing over 100,000 commercial spots on radio and television, his expertise ensures our clients avoid costly errors and achieve real intake results.

Advertising on radio and television for addiction marketing is more cost-effective than commonly perceived. Producing a quality radio ad typically costs under $500, allowing for a feasible trial over a few weeks with a budget of $2,500 weekly.


Stepping up the investment slightly should lead to intake inquiries. If your phone doesn't show any signs of ringing, it might signal an issue. With a 60-day treatment valued at $50,000, a $2,500 weekly radio budget to test a spot becomes a worthwhile venture if executed effectively. Our preference is to test and refine advertising campaigns on radio first, then cautiously expand to television once a proven model is established.


Tailored Strategies for Addiction Marketing: Beyond Conventional Ads

Addiction marketing differs significantly from selling products like gadgets or books, where repetitive exposure can drive sales. Most advertising firms lack an understanding of addiction marketing and rely on repetitive spots across the same stations, typically in four-week tests. While effective for widgets and books, this approach doesn't suit addiction treatment.

In substance abuse advertising on radio or television, the objective is to reach the right audience with the right message at the right time. A critical mistake is late-night television advertising for treatment centers. Late-night ads often attract callers in blackouts, lacking immediate desire for help the next day.


For substance abuse disorders, the most effective radio and TV ads cater to the loved ones of those seeking treatment.

If you're considering radio or television ads for your treatment center, reach out to us. We're here to evaluate your situation and provide affordable options without straining your budget


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